The surprising ways setting goals impacted my life and business....

When I first started my business I had an IDEA of what I wanted it to look and feel like, but I was so focused on getting started (and getting clients!) that I just dove in head first and didn't really set up any type of systems or structures to get me there.

Needless to say, I scrambled around for a while (a long while). I didn't really have a direction or plan to get where I wanted to be.

As a former project manager, the irony of that is not lost on me. I had spent almost 17 years reaching success and goals through strategic planning, but when it came to my own business, I was lost.

It wasn't until I hired my first coach, got serious about my business and really stepped up as a CEO that I got the structure (and success) that I wanted.

Empowered growth

Setting goals in life helped me grow in areas I never expected.

As I sought out resources to help me with my goals, I also learned to prioritize. I let the unnecessary things fall away and I simplified my life and business.

Doing so, both revealed things in my business that needed little adjustments and simply auto adjusted other areas that fell in line with whatever I was working on.

This part came as a very pleasant surprise. Along the way, I learned that when we aren’t growing in life we are stagnant.

I don’t know about you, but I never want to look back on my life and business and see that I was stuck in the same place, the same mindset, and at the same skill level for years.

I’m all for being myself, but I love the idea of always being the best version of myself. As I increase in life and grow my business, the best version of myself exponentially increases as well.

Setting Goals Saved Me Time

Setting goals in life helped me create an action plan that saved me so much time. I no longer spent countless wasted hours wondering what I should do.

I knew what I wanted to do long-term, I knew what I needed to do short term to get there, and I knew how I needed to spend my extra time to help me with my goals.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t and still don’t spend every waking hour actively working on my goal.

But when a moment arose that I needed something to do, or wanted to work on achieving my dreams, I knew exactly how to go about it.

Goal-setting, entrepreneur, scaling income, booking clients

I Finally Had Direction

A common theme I've seen since starting my business is that most people have the wrong mindset when it comes to setting goals in their business and that’s why they struggle with them.

People view setting goals as something they have to live up to and accomplish or else they are failures. As if their goals are shackles and they’ll only be set free if they achieve them.

They are also usually under the impression that their goals have to be these huge grand things that prove their success and worth.

The truth is that when you set a goal, the process in which you set it, should give you a guided map of sorts. It’s not meant to be something that’s binding. It’s just mean to help give you direction on your journey.

A goal set effectively will have a plan of action to go with it. That plan is your reference; the thing you can go to when you’ve missed a step or aren’t sure what to do next.

Setting goals should never be oppressive. It should only guide you on your way to your dream!

I'd love to hear from you, how is your mindset around setting goals, whether you reach them or not?

And if you’re ready to scale your business and income in a strategic, aligned, SIMPLE way, my VIP program is the perfect way. Let’s chat!

Posted on November 3, 2021 .