Not sure what to do once you set those big 12-month goals? Start here!

So you set your big, dreamy we month what?

The first step I take when working with a new client is to clearly outline and define what they're next left self/life/business looks like. And we then create goals that will actually GET them there.

Now, you may already have that next level identified and you've created your goals to get there, but now you're stuck. 

The actual PLAN and roadmap to getting there is often a stumbling block. I get it. 

So here's what to do..take one of your 12 month goals and to set out a plan to accomplish it by organizing it into 4 main objectives - each taking no more than 90 days to complete.

So if your 12 month goal is to hit $200,000 in revenue, what are 4 major areas of your business that you will need to focus on?

Launch a new program? Hold a holiday sale?
Attend a retreat to raise your vibe? Add an affiliate program?

These are all hypothetical, but an example of how you could break up your year into four 90-day segments and then create goals within those.

Because here's the thing, 90 day goals should focus on projects - or steps of progress you want to make within the next 3 months that will contribute towards you achieving the feelings of success that you outlined in your 12 month outlook.

90 day goals are your building blocks.

Think...What do I need to do to get there? What do I need to grow? What do I have the time, resources, knowledge and experience to start working on right now?

This will help you set realistic goals.

And, remember to focus on how achieving those goals will make you FEEL, that will help keep you motivated!

I also recommend using a project management software to keep track of everything and stay on track with your timeline. Asana is pretty straight-forward and very user-friendly.

Now, who has their goals outlined and roadmaps created? 

PS If you don't, don't worry! I can help!! This is exactly what I do with my clients...I take them from overwhelmed and trying ALL the strategies out there, to having a clear vision of their next level self and an aligned, personalized strategy and action plan to achieving it. Learn more HERE.

Posted on August 15, 2019 .

So you didn't hit your big what?

No really, so what?

Look, I know it's discouraging when you set a big, scary goal and you don't reach (or let's be honest, sometimes don't even come close to it.).

I talk ALLLLLL the time about setting goals, having a vision, making a strategy and you know what? I DO all those things. And you know what else? I don't always reach those big goals.

But here's the thing, and this was learnt through a lot of failure and disappointment, it doesn't really matter. Let me say that again...if you don't reach your big scary goal, it doesn't really matter.


You can't just throw in the towel and quit because your launch didn't go as planned, or only 3 people downloaded your freebie or no one commented on your post.


You need to take the focus off of YOU and turn it back to those you are serving. Focus on why they need you, and keep delivering on that.

Know that even if one person watched your FB live, or 3 people downloaded your freebie, you are still making an impact. You are still serving.

You are still working towards your goals.

Detach yourself from the outcomes and focus on SERVING.

Then learn what worked and what didn't, and set another big, scary goal. I mean, we're meant for greatness, right? You can't give up now!

Posted on July 11, 2019 .

Here's why I'm not a fan of setting monetary goals.

I get it, setting a dollar amount for a goal seems to make sense, and in a lot of ways, it does! It's something tangible to work towards and it's easy to track and measure...two super important things for a goal.

But, here's what I tell my clients, financial goals are a great STARTING place. 

There's always more to it. 

Financial goals are just representative of something bigger and more important. and THAT'S what your goal should be.

Make sense?

So for example, maybe your goal is to make $20,000/month, which is an amazing goal, btw, but I want you to tell me WHY you picked that number. What would making $20,000 a month mean to you and allow you to do? Pay off all your debt? Retire your spouse? Pay for your child's college education? Take a big trip? Take the whole summer off from your biz?

There's always something behind that financial goal, and I want you to figure out what that is and set THAT as your goal.

Posted on June 27, 2019 .

I took a "treat yourself" week-end and amazing things happened.

Last week I was feeling all the feels; everything felt heavy, emotional and uninspiring. I needed something, anything, to get me out of my funk.

I decided to take a break. From my business, social media...everything.

I had a Treat Yourself weekend (well, 4 days, really). I went away, disconnected, re-connected with friends, went to the movies, went out for ice cream, watched the sunset while sitting on the beach, read a new book sitting outside a get the idea. I did all the things I love to do, and it felt amazing.

I also did a lot of journaling and mindset work. Specifically around my messaging, where I want to be, and how I want to help. It just flowed from me.

Sunday afternoon, when I was coming back from all of this pleasure, I decided to check messages, Facebook, etc. And you know what? I had people waiting to join my group, messages from folks asking about my services and an amazing fellow coach wanting to chat about a collaboration.

This was all while I was just focusing on my joy and living my best life.

You guys, it CAN be this easy.

Don't get me wrong, all that didn't happen by magic; I did the aligned work and followed my strategies. But, it was when I decided to back off and focus on pleasure and my WHY, that it all started to fall into place.

This has happened before, where I back off, just enjoy my life and wonderful things happen, but I always seem to forget it or think it's a fluke.

You guys, it's not a fluke. 

Do the work, take aligned action and then go out and experience JOY. Get inspired, live your best life. The Universe will reward you, I promise.

Posted on June 6, 2019 .

How are you getting in your own way?

I  was on a call with a new client earlier this week and we were talking about her frustration around not moving forward in her business. She already has one successful business, but was feeling called to pivot and start a new one (that's when she reached out me).

She has a lot of amazing ideas and is excited about her new venture, but is stuck and spinning her wheels. I looked at her (we're on Zoom) and said exactly this:

"You're using all these great ideas you have to stay right in your comfort zone. You're avoiding making a decision on one because you're afraid it might be the wrong one and you'll fail, and THAT'S what's holding you back from moving forward. You need to get out of your own damn way."

She stared at me in silence for a good 10 seconds. We were near the end of the call, so we signed off shortly after and I immediately thought "oh geez, was I too hard on her??"

20 minutes later I received a message from her thanking me for saying what I did, that it was EXACTLY what she needed to hear to get her off her butt and take action.

Are you in the same space as her?

Here's the thing, we've ALL been there at one point or another; and sometimes you need an outside perspective to kick you right out of that comfort zone, and sometimes you just need to do it yourself.

So tell me, where you are you getting in your own way lately?

Posted on February 28, 2019 .

Are you truly marketing your services bravely?

I've been pretty open about the start of my entrepreneurial journey and how EVERYONE in my life questioned (and doubted) me. 

That sucked at the time, but it's ok, because you know what I've learnt along the way? When you put yourself out there bravely and boldly, it's going to make some people uncomfortable. Fact.

And when you market your services in a truly authentic, brave way, that can ALSO make some people uncomfortable.

But here's the truth, it's not until you share your TRUE authentic (and weird?!) self that your soul mate clients will find you.

So here's what I want you to think about...are you truly putting yourself out there bravely and boldly?

Are you shining your light every day?

It's time to say what you feel and help others find what they need as you bravely market your special brand of energy.

Someone out there is looking for what you offer and will be thrilled to find you when you are marketing that energy. You will help them by simply being you.

When you market honestly, others will take notice.

Because here's the thing, it's not a gorgeous brand, or fancy polished pictures and a gorgeous website that will make your soulmate clients want to work with you. It's your ENERGY.

So, are you authentically sharing your energy every day?

Posted on February 14, 2019 .

What type of energy are you putting out there?

Can we get real for a minute?

What type of energy do you put out?

I want you to really think about this. 

Are you super passionate and excited about yourself, your business, your services? Are you bursting at the seams with how awesome you are?

Or, are you showing up from a place of fear, neediness and desperation?

I have news for you, people can smell that a mile away. It's harsh, I know, but I say that with all the love in the world.

If you put out an new program that you're only half-hearted about, but you feel like you have to sell it because you need the money, it's not going to sell. 

If your prices are too low because you think you don't deserve a higher rate, or you're desperate to sign a client, any client, so you low ball yourself, you're not going to sell anything.

How do I know all this?

Because THAT WAS ME!

2 years ago I WAS that desperate, scared and needy entrepreneur. 

Ouch, that's not easy to admit, but there it is.

It wasn't until I recognized and owned my own value that I was able to really step up and have the business I have today (that I freaking LOVE).

How did I get there? Honestly, it was my coach kicking me in the butt and saying forget all that strategy stuff you cling to so desperately and instead focus on the ENERGY that you are putting out!

I want that for you!

If any of this resonates with you, we should chat. Click HERE to learn more about how we can work together to get you EXCITED about your business again!

Posted on January 31, 2019 .

So you set your big, dreamy 12 month what?

So you set your big, dreamy we month what?

The first step I take when working with a new client is to clearly outline and define what they're next left self/life/business looks like. And we then create goals that will actually GET them there.

Now, you may already have that next level identified and you've created your goals to get there, but now you're stuck. 

The actual PLAN and roadmap to getting there is often a stumbling block. I get it. 

So here's what to do..take one of your 12 month goals and to set out a plan to accomplish it by organizing it into 4 main objectives - each taking no more than 90 days to complete.

So if your 12 month goal is to hit $200,000 in revenue, what are 4 major areas of your business that you will need to focus on?

Launch a new program? Hold a holiday sale?
Attend a retreat to raise your vibe? Add an affiliate program?

These are all hypothetical, but an example of how you could break up your year into four 90-day segments and then create goals within those.

Because here's the thing, 90 day goals should focus on projects - or steps of progress you want to make within the next 3 months that will contribute towards you achieving the feelings of success that you outlined in your 12 month outlook.

90 day goals are your building blocks.

Think...What do I need to do to get there? What do I need to grow? What do I have the time, resources, knowledge and experience to start working on right now?

This will help you set realistic goals.

And, remember to focus on how achieving those goals will make you FEEL, that will help keep you motivated!

I also recommend using a project management software to keep track of everything and stay on track with your timeline. Asana is pretty straight-forward and very user-friendly.

Now, who has their goals outlined and roadmaps created? 

PS If you don't, don't worry! I can help!! This is exactly what I do with my clients...I take them from overwhelmed and trying ALL the strategies out there, to having a clear vision of their next level self and an aligned, personalized strategy and action plan to achieving it. Click HERE to learn more about my services.

Posted on January 17, 2019 .

How a hiking trip impacted my business...

How the heck did a hiking trip impact my business??

About 6 years ago I decided, very last minute, that I was going to take a hiking trip in the mountains of Vermont. I had never done anything like before, and wasn't even entirely sure that I liked hiking, but it was October, so I figured the foliage and weather would be perfect. I was half right.

It rained EVERY SINGLE DAY. And we still hiked up mountains for about 10 hours a day.

I'm not going to lie to you, there were many times I thought to myself "I am doing this willingly?! What the hell was I thinking??" Every inch of me ached and muscles I didn't even know I had were screaming at me.

But, there was no other option then to keep going; I was halfway up a freaking mountain, where was I going to go? So, I kept at it. I should note, I was with a group of more experienced hikers, so I didn't make this trek solo (I'm not THAT brave!).


The week finished and while I was more exhausted then I had ever been in my entire life, I was also more exhilarated. I did something I never thought I could or would do. I showed myself that I am capable of more than I thought possible and I was PROUD as hell.

That's how I feel about my business. I had a rocky start (no one supporting me, boy friend telling me I would fail, starting at 40), but I felt called to do I kept at it, even when that voice inside me was screaming that I must be crazy. I mean, I'm halfway up a mountain, right? Only thing to do is keep going. Eventually, you see the results. I promise.

Feeling like you’re halfway up a mountain and you’re stuck? Let me help! My guide to Finding the Flow gets you into that sweet spot in your business where you’re finally reaching your goals, your days are flowing with ease and you’re excited again!

Posted on October 9, 2018 .

It's time to flip your "what if's"

Some of the most frequent comments I hear when I'm working with a client on reaching their goals are "What if I don't achieve it? What if I'm dreaming too big? What if no one buys this?"

You get the idea.

When you're stuck in the "what if's" you're really just holding yourself back from making your ideas a reality. You're overthinking everything, doubting yourself and eventually, getting stuck.
But what if you take those "what ifs" and flip them?

What if your program is wildly successful? What if people love it and everyone loves it?

This is what I remind my clients...things don't need to be perfect. You don't have to have it all figured out. You just have to allow yourself to move FORWARD.

Now, what are your biggest "what ifs" and how can you flip them?

Here's what I find are the biggest "resistants" that are at the root cause of them:

1. Lack of clarity: You have to know what you're trying to achieve, in very specific terms.

2. Lack of confidence: So often our fears and doubts cause us to lack confidence in ourselves and our ideas, and this holds us back from actually moving forward.

3. Lack of competence: Not knowing how to do what we need to do, so we end up procrastinating and not getting anywhere.

Luckily, you CAN overcome these. Reach out for help with a coach or an accountability partner to get you moving.

Seriously, ASK FOR HELP! I know this was one of my biggest stumbling blocks when I was first starting out and I'm kicking myself for not asking for help sooner in my journey. If you find you're stuck in the what if's, let's chat! I'm positive we can get you off that hamster wheel and back to moving forward.

Posted on September 3, 2018 .