4 ways to be a productive (and profitable) biz owner every week

Ready to set your weeks up for success? Here are 4 easy steps to get get you there:

  1. Plan your week--Take some time today to map out your goals and intentions for the week. Do you want to get consistent online? Grow your community? Book a client? Collaborate? Write it down and plan it out! Break it down into tasks and to-do's that you will actually do and focus on those.

  2. Have a goal for each day that you work towards--Pick one thing you want to accomplish each day from your to-do list. Remember, it feels so good to cross that off the list at the end of the day!

  3. Work your business like it's a real business--You know what I mean, now is the time to step up as a leader and CEO. Focus on your vision and work towards it everyday. Ask yourself, "Is this what my next-level self would work on?" If the answer is no, move on!

  4. Stop comparing yourself to what others accomplish and focus on what you need to accomplish (stay in your own lane!)--And most importantly, CELEBRATE those accomplishments! Even the small ones; those are building your business (and bank account) too!

Your turn, what's your favorite way to set your week up for success? Comment below and let me know!

And, if you’re looking for my favorite ways to find, and stay, in flow in your business, check out my FREE RESOURCE!

Posted on October 10, 2022 .