How to ACTUALLY stick with your 2023 goals

Happy January! It’s a fresh new year, and you know what that means…people set fresh new goals.

And oftentimes, lose steam on them a couple of months (weeks?!) later.

Here’s the thing, If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you’ve heard me say there’s no 5-step formula or cookie cutter strategy to reaching your goals – just the one strategy that works for YOU.

I want you to bring this truth to your goal-setting for the rest of 2023. So as you’re mapping out your strategy for the rest of the year, be sure you’re selecting strategies that work for YOU.

Don’t worry about what so-and-so on your virtual block’s doing to make the income you want. Don’t choose a strategy because you think you “should” (or someone told you you “should”). Don’t chase after the latest shiny object strategy if it’s not what floats your boat. Stop forcing something that isn't you.

This is honestly one of the top reasons folks don’t achieve their goals, because they’ve chosen a strategy that doesn’t work for them. For example, let’s say I wanted to lose 20 pounds and I picked kickboxing as my exercise strategy. I would honestly fail miserably (and quickly) because kickboxing just isn't for me and I would dread (and avoid) my workouts.

Make sure the strategies you choose work for your personality, your ideal lifestyle, and your industry. When you do that, it’s 1,000% easier to show up consistently and execute on the strategy that will get you to your 2023 goals!

Your turn, are your goal strategies REALLY in alignment with YOU, or are you following what everyone else is doing?

PS If you're feeling stuck on this, reach out! My 2-hour intensives are back and they're a GREAT way to kickstart your goals and get a clear-cut, personalized strategy. Let's get you some momentum and energy around your business again!

Posted on January 16, 2023 .